Oct 24, 2023 | Featured, Politics & Society
After the Republican caucus ousted Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House, it has continued to reject those who have stood for election. What does this all mean for the country at such a crucial time? Is there anything in history that can guide the US through this...
Feb 9, 2022 | Politics & Society
For several years, democracy has faced challenges in the United States. The 2020 election and the transition process following the election, which led to one of the major political parties rejecting the outcomes of the election and attempting an overthrow of it, has...
Jan 13, 2022 | Politics & Society
By Craig Silverman, Craig Timberg, Jeff Kao & Jeremy B. Merrill A ProPublica/Washington Post analysis of Facebook posts, internal company documents and interviews, provides the clearest evidence yet that the social media giant played a critical role in spreading...
Dec 22, 2021 | Politics & Society
Following the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett during the 2020 presidential election, the US Supreme Court majority held a conservative worldview that was not reflective of the popular votes for US president and continued the journey of the court in deciding cases...
Dec 6, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Craig Silverman & Isaac Arnsdorf Google kicked Bannon off YouTube because of his violent rhetoric but still sent ad dollars to his website that promotes misinformation about the election and the pandemic. Almost a year ago, Google took a major step to ensure...
Sep 14, 2021 | Politics & Society
California is about to vote on whether to recall their governor and replace him with one of forty-six candidates. This process has uncovered a serious challenge for the governability of the state, and California now faces a governability crisis. Is the recall process...
Aug 17, 2021 | Politics & Society
Since the 2020 election, the Republican party has confronted defeat by claiming the election was stolen. In response, state legislatures controlled by the party have written substantial revisions to election processes and election law. In the name of protections...
Aug 2, 2021 | Politics & Society
The U.S. Senate is a unique legislative body in that it often requires a supermajority of sixty votes in favour of a legislation for a bill to pass. This is due to an historic institution called the filibuster. But the filibuster is not exactly like we think. Instead,...
Jun 10, 2021 | Politics & Society
In this lecture hosted by the University of Auckland Law School, a panel of experts analyse US President Joe Biden’s first 100 days in office. What has Biden achieved so far? What is the state of America? Can Trump make a comeback? Panelists: Timothy Kuhner is...
Jun 8, 2021 | Politics & Society
The large scale long-term strategic challenges of statecraft, politics, and social change is referred generally to as grand strategy. What is America’s grand strategy, and what does the history of American grand strategy tell us about its current goals? Doug...