Mar 21, 2023 | Featured, Ngā Ara Whetū, Science & Technology
Housing intensification in Hamilton. PCE, CC BY-SA Timothy Welch, University of Auckland Recent extreme weather events have provided a foretaste of how supercharged storms might threaten our future. So the release today of a new report from the Parliamentary...
Jul 20, 2021 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Timothy F. Welch A sustainable city could look like the ones we know today. It could look like the ones we see in science fiction movies, or it could look like something which none of us has yet dreamt. No one knows what the world will look like in a generation....
May 7, 2020 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Alan Simson The creation of urban forests will make cities worth living in, able to function and support their populations. The 21st century is the urban century. It has been forecast that urban areas across the world will have expanded by more than 2.5 billion...
Nov 1, 2018 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society, Referee
By Alexander Louis Is Auckland’s food security under threat from urban sprawl? Alexander Louis explores. Wine growers are scrambling to breed drought proof grape varieties in California as the effects of climate change worsen. An aggressive disease decimates...