How can we reduce inequities in Aotearoa? ▶

How can we reduce inequities in Aotearoa? ▶

Around the world, Covid-19 has exposed and deepened existing social inequities. Frontline workers are typically low paid and often from disadvantaged groups. Women have borne the brunt of caring responsibilities during the pandemic which has had negative effects on...
An unequal world: Are we facing more conflict?

An unequal world: Are we facing more conflict?

By Paul Rogers Rising inequality provides ripe pickings for militant Islamist groups plotting insurgencies – and ensures the ‘war on terror’ is far from over. My most recent column warned of the escalating threat of worsening conflicts driven by al-Qaida, Isis and...
Is it time for a wealth tax on billionaires?

Is it time for a wealth tax on billionaires?

By Chuck Collins The US’s billionaires have amassed democracy-distorting concentrations of wealth and power as millions have been thrown into poverty, says Chuck Collins.  What should good societies do when a wealthy few reap enormous financial windfalls during a...
How does income inequality affect obesity?

How does income inequality affect obesity?

National income and income inequality impacts on body size of children and adolescents, according to new research from the University of Auckland, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences. A study of over 200,000 children in 36 countries including New Zealand, Australia...