May 2, 2024 | Featured, Politics & Society, Referee
By Marco de Jong, Auckland University of Technology and Emma Shortis, RMIT University Photo by U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC by 2.0 Deed Details released by the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet under the Official Information Act reveal New Zealand...
Aug 3, 2023 | Featured, Science & Technology
Words by staff writers and John Dooley, Royal Agricultural University in Gloucester Photo by Ivy Farm on Unsplash Lab-grown meat could have a huge impact on farmers so researchers are asking them what they think about it. “Toxicity” and...
Jun 2, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Geoff Kemp “I saw my father alive, dead, and buried, the threefold process that’s at once so ordinary and so extraordinary, and tragically has become more ordinary in the UK in these extraordinary times.” I made three journeys to Britain and back as...
Nov 15, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Andrew Glencross Brexit is closing in, but how did we get here, and what will happen next? Finally, 595 days after Theresa May informed the EU of the UK’s intention to leave, there is light at the end of the tunnel. The “tunnel”, in this case, is Brussels-speak for...
Aug 23, 2017 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
Stephen Hoadley presents material from his recent book, “New Zealand Trade Negotiations,” touching on past trade access breakthroughs, current geopolitical uncertainties, and future hopes with regard to free trade agreements between the EU and the UK...