Feb 17, 2022 | Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
By Julie Rowland The University of Auckland’s Julie Rowland examines the notion that education should be secular and devoid of any form of spirituality. Commentators, here and overseas, have depicted the practice and learning of science as facing an existential...
Feb 17, 2022 | Politics & Society
By Jack Heinemann If the use of academic freedom did not create risk, parliament would not have needed to legislate for its protection. But that risk should not be shouldered by Wiles and Hendy, or anyone else, alone. Two high-profile University of Auckland academics...
Feb 1, 2022 | Politics & Society
How can we make universities more inclusive? Sereana Naepi is exploring new and more inclusive models for education from our universities. Watch a short video of Naepi explaining her research that was recognised with a 2021 Te Taumata Rangahau|Research Excellence...
Dec 7, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Matheson Russell Institutional autonomy and the right to critically question are essential if universities are to be reliable sources of knowledge and expertise for society at large. The news last week that University of Auckland public health researcher Simon...
Jul 7, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Linda Rowan & Fiona Murray Online learning has changed the way students work — we need to change definitions of ‘cheating’ too. As university students wait on their mid-year exam results, some will no doubt be thinking about more than just passing. Since...
Jul 21, 2020 | Arts & Culture, Business & Economics
By Michael Neill FRSNZ “The Labour Party promises to make all tertiary education free by 2024, and this is an admirable goal; but unless it is accompanied by a serious re-thinking of the nature, purpose, and funding base of our universities it will only lead to...
Jul 16, 2020 | Arts & Culture
Universities are increasingly wanting to appeal to students who look to their study as a training period for future employment. However, this has put traditional liberal arts subjects like philosophy and sociology at risk. What does the future look like for liberal...
Oct 30, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Cath Ellis Contract cheating is one of the most significant problems currently facing higher education. Cath Ellis investigates how universities can combat it. Contract cheating is one of the most significant problems currently facing higher education. It is a form...
Dec 20, 2017 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
What does the future hold for universities, and why does this matter for the rest of society? Cris Shore, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Auckland, is co-editor (with Susan Wright) of a new book entitled Death of the Public University? Uncertain Futures...
Dec 18, 2017 | Business & Economics
By Mark C. Wilson University research is generally funded from the public purse. The results, however, are published in peer-reviewed academic journals, many of which charge subscription fees, as Mark Wilson explains. I had to use freedom of information laws to...