Dec 22, 2021 | Politics & Society
Following the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett during the 2020 presidential election, the US Supreme Court majority held a conservative worldview that was not reflective of the popular votes for US president and continued the journey of the court in deciding cases...
Sep 20, 2021 | Politics & Society
Recently, Texas passed a law outlawing abortion after roughly six weeks. The US Supreme Court did not overturn this law, culminating in a series of phases intending to overturn a women’s reproductive right to access an abortion as enshrined in the landmark US...
Sep 29, 2020 | Politics & Society
The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the Republican promise to replace her with Amy Coney Barrett has profound implications for American politics and policy. How will the decision shape public policy, the checks and balances of the constitution...
Sep 28, 2020 | Politics & Society
Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away last week aged 87. A long time liberal voice on the US Supreme Court, her death has opened the likelihood of the court shifting to the right, perhaps quite dramatically. This is because President Donald Trump has...
Jul 20, 2020 | Politics & Society
Since the 2016 election, the US Supreme Court has become a lightning rod political issue on both sides of the political divide. The Trump Administration has named two new associate justices, and many court watchers expect the Court to shift to the right politically...
May 20, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Cristina Cornejo The United States uses an indirect voting process called the Electoral College to elect the president. In this system, which is mandated by the Constitution, each state is assigned a number of “electors” based on the number of representatives the...
Oct 10, 2018 | Politics & Society
After the controversy around the recent swearing-in of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, questions have been raised around the court’s place in American politics and whether it possesses too much political power. Maria Armoudian spoke with one of the...
Jul 17, 2018 | Politics & Society
With Donald Trump nominating Justice Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court, Maria Armoudian speaks with Jon Michaels about the role of the four so-called liberal justices and how privatization has amounted to what Michaels calls a constitutional coup. Jon Michaels is...