Is Taiwan a geopolitical flashpoint?

Is Taiwan a geopolitical flashpoint?

By Steve Hoadley It is hoped that moderation in Beijing, Washington, and Taipei will prevent the Taiwan flashpoint from igniting, says Steve Hoadley. Taiwan is more than an offshore island of China. It is also an armed flashpoint at the edge of a geopolitical frontier...
What is going on in Myanmar? 🔊

What is going on in Myanmar? 🔊

On February 1st, 2021, the Burmese military overthrew the democratically elected government in Myanmar. Long-time political dissident Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested along with the leadership of the ruling National League for Democracy. What were the causes of this...
Who is killing unionists in the Philippines?

Who is killing unionists in the Philippines?

By Ben Goldson Duterte claims to be fighting crime. But it appears that unionists are being killed with virtual impunity in the Philippines. In 1975, workers at the La Tondena brewery in Manila walked off the job, defying Ferdinand Marcos halfway through the two...
Q+A: What is going on in Hong Kong?

Q+A: What is going on in Hong Kong?

In February 2019, Hong Kong’s government announced a new extradition law that, for the first time, would allow for the extradition of accused criminals from Hong Kong to mainland China. This decision culminated in mass demonstrations across Hong Kong numbering in the...