Can viewing art reduce stress?

Can viewing art reduce stress?

By Paul Panckhurst There’s evidence that looking at paintings can reduce stress and anxiety. A researcher wants to know if this phenomenon can help surgery patients heal. Pablo Picasso once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”...
How can we reduce inequities in Aotearoa? ▶

How can we reduce inequities in Aotearoa? ▶

Around the world, Covid-19 has exposed and deepened existing social inequities. Frontline workers are typically low paid and often from disadvantaged groups. Women have borne the brunt of caring responsibilities during the pandemic which has had negative effects on...
How can we sustain Aotearoa’s wildlife? ▶

How can we sustain Aotearoa’s wildlife? ▶

In this seminar hosted by the University of Auckland Faculty of Science, experts across several disciplines share their knowledge of how we can help sustain Aotearoa’s wildlife into the future. They share their experience in applying Te Tiriti o Waitangi...
Human genome editing – are we ready?  ▶

Human genome editing – are we ready? ▶

Are we ready for human genome editing? In this talk, Senior Lecturer Hilary Sheppard illustrates how CRISPR can be used to fix disease-causing broken genes in adult cells. This talk was part of the 2021 home edition of the Raising the Bar series, where academics talk...
What makes a terrorist? ▶

What makes a terrorist? ▶

From the power of love shown after the Christchurch terror attacks, to why you should use the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff to teach children about terrorism, Professor Peter O’Connor explains the intricacies of terrorism like you’ve never heard before....