Mar 1, 2022 | Science & Technology
By Mary Breheny Listening to other people’s stories is a powerful way to unite people, and instead of belittling anxieties as illogical, addressing fears with understanding can help us design responses which enable all people to experience security in uncertain...
Feb 16, 2022 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
By Robert Bartholomew Robert Bartholomew takes apart the theory US and Canadian diplomats were the target of a mysterious new weapon in Cuba and lays out a much more likely explanation. Havana Syndrome – the mysterious affliction affecting US diplomats and...
Oct 7, 2021 | Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
By Paul Panckhurst There’s evidence that looking at paintings can reduce stress and anxiety. A researcher wants to know if this phenomenon can help surgery patients heal. Pablo Picasso once said, “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”...
May 4, 2021 | Arts & Culture
By Matthew Marques, James McLennan, John Kerr, Matthew Ling & Matt Williams Research suggests avoiding ridicule, showing empathy, affirming critical thinking and appealing to trusted message sources can help when talking to someone who believes in conspiracy...
Nov 26, 2020 | Science & Technology
In her inaugural lecture at the University of Auckland, Professor Karen Waldie attempts to answer some of the big questions in the area of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Are dyslexia and ADHD real? How do children with dyslexia turn out years later? Do...
Oct 12, 2020 | Science & Technology
What is eco-anxiety? How can we learn to be less anxious as the effects of climate change become more prominent? This seminar hosted by the University of Auckland Sustainability Network explores the issue of eco-anxiety and includes speakers from the University of...
Jul 1, 2020 | Politics & Society
The world is facing multiple crises, from climate change to institutional racism to COVOD-19. Maria Armoudian speaks to three preeminent scholars from the fields of anthropology, philosophy, and psychology about the crossroads we are facing as a global community and...
Jun 24, 2020 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Gilbert Wong Can we grow organisations and work that support a sustainable world? The answer comes from understanding our deepest psychological drivers, according to Niki Harre. Let’s play the word association game. Money, status, competition, power and...
Jun 17, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Gilbert Wong Robot caregivers can help maintain independence as we age, but the trick is getting humans to trust them. It will not surprise those with a pessimistic view of humanity to know that even robots suffer racial prejudice. In a study by German researchers...
Apr 30, 2020 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
How are New Zealanders with addiction problems coping in the lockdown? We’ve seen the news items showing queues outside liquor outlets, but what is actually happening, especially in households that are affected by alcohol and drug addiction? Grant Christie spoke...