Nov 7, 2023 | Featured, Science & Technology
Toby Walsh, UNSW Sydney Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash Last Month US President Joe Biden released a wide ranging and ambitious executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) – catapulting the US to the front of conversations about regulating AI. In doing...
Nov 23, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Gabby Bush, Simon Coghlan, Jeannie Paterson & Tim Miller Online monitoring raises serious questions about privacy and rights, but where justified it can be used for good if organisations consider wider issues like transparency and fairness. Youth, online news...
Sep 9, 2021 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
By Andrew Chen New Zealand is introducing mandatory record keeping to help contact tracers. But is the data protected enough? From 11:59pm on Tuesday September 7, every person in Aotearoa New Zealand over the age of 12 will be required to keep a record of their...
Aug 4, 2021 | Business & Economics, Science & Technology
By Niels Wouters & Jeannie Paterson TikTok is hugely popular. But its latest decision to capture unique digital copies of your face and voice is a cybersecurity threat to your identity and privacy. With more than one billion users since 2017, TikTok is one of the...
Aug 3, 2021 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
By Alexander Gillespie Calling out China for cyberattacks is risky — but a lawless digital world is even riskier. Today’s multi-country condemnation of cyber-attacks by Chinese state-sponsored agencies was a sign of increasing frustration at recent behaviour. But it...
Jul 13, 2021 | Politics & Society, Science & Technology
By Gehan Gunasekara In an age where personal information is the new oil, chief privacy officers in companies should be as important as chief financial officers. Gehan Gunasekara explains the human dimension to cyber vulnerabilities – and how we can keep safe. ...
Jun 29, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Tim Dare Bluntly, our management of contact tracing has been shambolic and it has important lessons beyond the COVID pandemic. New Zealand’s response to COVID-19 seems to have been effective and certainly looks assured. The Government seems to have had a plan, and...
Jul 2, 2019 | Politics & Society
Is the age of privacy over? What is at stake when we lose our privacy? How does a lack of privacy affect security, democracy, and society? Maria Armoudian speaks with Helen Nissenbaum, Michael Patrick Lynch, Bruce Schneier, and Joshua Fairfield. Helen Nissenbaum is a...
Sep 7, 2017 | Politics & Society
By Stephen Winter “Trust and confidence is critical for Police.” Those are the words of Howard Broad, New Zealand’s Deputy Chief Executive, Security and Intelligence in 2015. A former Police Commissioner, Broad made the statement when speaking about concerns over...