Dec 4, 2019 | Politics & Society
By David S. Meyer Are we experiencing a global explosion of people power? David S. Meyer investigates. By the time you read this, massive street protests will have broken out somewhere that we didn’t expect. This year seems to be one of extraordinary mass political...
May 10, 2018 | Politics & Society
The 21st century has already witnessed revolutions in Ukraine, Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, alongside other uprisings and transformational movements that reach all over the world. Although these movements had their roots in earlier movements and revolutions, they are...
Feb 14, 2018 | Politics & Society
How have social movements changed in the twenty-first century, and how have new communication technologies facilitated that change? What makes some social movements sustainable and successful while others are more short-term? What is the future for social movements?...
Jan 18, 2018 | Politics & Society
How does the current right-wing political movement in the United States fit into American history? How did it develop? How has the movement been changing politics and policy in America? Maria Armoudian sits down with Kathleen Blee, Lawrence Rosenthal, and Martin Cohen...
Aug 14, 2017 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
Throughout history, art has been used as an act of resistance and a weapon to counter oppression and violence. Maria Armoudian talks to Professor Mark LeVine about the role of art in resistance movements. Mark LeVine is a Professor of History at the University of...