Are hallucinations a disease?

Are hallucinations a disease?

By Yewande Pearse Hallucinations may be a symptom of mental illness, but they are not necessarily harmful, as Yewande Pearse explains. As late as the 18th century, hallucinations in their various forms were considered independent diseases or syndromes. In 1821, Alexis...
Pulling all-nighters may damage your brain

Pulling all-nighters may damage your brain

By Hannah Thomasy Doctoral candidate Hannah Thomasy discusses the impacts of all-nighters on the brain. Is staying up late a health risk? For decades, scientists have suspected that there is a connection between poor sleep and neurodegenerative diseases like...
Should you let your dog lick your face?

Should you let your dog lick your face?

By Jennifer Tsang Dogs stick their noses in everything, but many people believe their saliva is beneficial. Dog licks have been considered medically beneficial to humans for millennia. In ancient Egypt, dogs were used in healing practices since they believed that dog...