Jan 24, 2022 | Science & Technology
By Tiffany A. Kosch Conserving wildlife with breeding programs doesn’t help threatened species to adapt, but synthetic biology may be able to bring protection by adapting genetics. What if we could help threatened wildlife better adapt to the intractable threats many...
Aug 9, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Michael Hannah There are solutions to the ecological problems facing the planet and we have some time to implement them – we had better use that time wisely. Towards the end of the Permian period, a little (geologically speaking) over 250 million years ago, the...
May 20, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Wendy Nelson The recently released Global Assessment from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is a wake-up call to all of us. The report presents overwhelming evidence of deteriorating conditions in...
Jul 19, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Elizabeth Boakes & David Redding Extinction is a natural process, but it’s happening at 1,000 times the normal speed. Does this mean we are experiencing a sixth mass extinction event? When Sudan the white rhino was put down by his carers earlier this year, it...
Jan 23, 2018 | Science & Technology
Planet Earth has faced five mass extinctions in its lifetime. Now we may be facing the sixth. What have we learned from the previous mass extinctions that can help us avoid a total collapse? Can humanity rescue the planet that it has imperiled? Maria Armoudian talks...