Jul 13, 2021 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
By Robert Bartholomew Robert Bartholomew says it’s time to educate about a dark chapter of Māori racial segregation. Because while history may not repeat, it speaks to the present. New Zealand secondary schools do an excellent job of teaching about civil rights in the...
Mar 9, 2021 | Arts & Culture, Science & Technology
By Paul Panckhurst Researchers have articulated a way to look at and look after our fresh waterways founded on Matauranga Māori. When floodwaters pounded the Bay of Plenty township of Matatā with boulders and logs to devastating effect in 2005, three marae went...
Aug 13, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Matthew Hall New Zealand’s most sacred tree is under threat from disease, but the response so far has been slow, as Matthew Hall explains. Tāne Mahuta is Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest living being – but the 45m tall, 2,500-year-old kauri tree is under severe...