Feb 16, 2022 | Business & Economics, Politics & Society
By Susan St John Susan St John responds to the newly-announced income insurance scheme with some suggestions on how to tweak and improve what we already have. The welfare state should ensure there is always adequate income in the event of loss of employment,...
Feb 10, 2022 | Business & Economics
By Murat Ungor Inflation is raising prices and reducing real wages – what should be done to support NZ’s low-income households? There is no doubt life is becoming much more expensive in New Zealand as inflation hits a three-decade high, influenced by both domestic and...
Mar 9, 2021 | Business & Economics
By Chuck Collins The US’s billionaires have amassed democracy-distorting concentrations of wealth and power as millions have been thrown into poverty, says Chuck Collins. What should good societies do when a wealthy few reap enormous financial windfalls during a...