Q+A: Does food advertising push up obesity rates?

Q+A: Does food advertising push up obesity rates?

New Zealand has one of the highest rates of obesity in the world – but how much does advertising have to do with it? Jim Mann is calling for greater government regulations around how food is advertised, especially to children. Lachlan Balfour spoke with Mann...
Is vaping the answer to quitting smoking? 🔊

Is vaping the answer to quitting smoking? 🔊

Vaping is on the rise, with people turning to vapes to help quit smoking cigarettes. While some still contain nicotine, they do not contain many of the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes that can often lead to death. A New Zealand study has found that those who use...
Q+A: Could ditching cars make us healthier?

Q+A: Could ditching cars make us healthier?

A recent report from a team of researchers based at the University of Otago has found that our use of cars is harming both our health and our environment. The report, titled Turning the Tide, claims that urgent steps are needed to encourage New Zealanders to walk,...
The opioid crisis: Fact vs. fiction

The opioid crisis: Fact vs. fiction

By Eileen Reynolds Eileen Reynolds investigates the opioid crisis that has gripped the United States over the last few years. Every day, 115 people in the United States die of an opioid overdose—a death toll so high that it’s caused the nation’s overall life...
What does it mean to be responsible? 🔊

What does it mean to be responsible? 🔊

What does it mean to be responsible? And how has neoliberalism changed our conception of personal responsibility? Maria Armoudian speaks to Susanna Trnka about the factors that shape our lives and our ways of being: ideas, events, and what she calls...