Aug 20, 2019 | Politics & Society, Referee
The first two amendments to the United States Constitution enshrine the right to freedom of expression, and the right to bear arms. In recent years, we have seen a new movement of fascism and white supremacy wield these rights to foster hatred amongst anonymous...
Aug 20, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee
By Beth Owens Beth Owens explores the issue of gun control in the United States. Dunblane, Scotland, 13th March 1996: Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children and one teacher after walking into Dunblane Primary School with four handguns. The following year, the British...
Oct 3, 2017 | Politics & Society
How did the second amendment of the US constitution come to be interpreted as an individual’s right to bear arms? How does this change contrast with other changes in constitutional interpretation, such as the right to marriage equality and human rights...