Mar 15, 2021 | Politics & Society
Merrick Garland has just been confirmed as Joseph Biden’s attorney general. This office and the Department of Justice has been a focal point of controversy in previous years. In particular, the tenures of Donald Trump’s attorney general’s Jeff...
Jul 14, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Tim Dare, Paul Rishworth & Jiamou Liu Professors Tim Dare and Paul Rishworth, and Dr Jiamou Liu have their say on whether the Covid-19 lockdowns could be a portent for freedom restrictions in the future. Tim Dare: Co-operation has been critical The Covid-19...
Oct 15, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee
By Maryam Hamid Is New Zealand’s electoral system delivering? Maryam Hamid investigates. The 2011 General Election in New Zealand saw the lowest turnout of voters since 1887 – when women didn’t even have the right to cast a ballot. At just 69.67% turnout, it has...
Aug 22, 2018 | Politics & Society
Historically political leaders and the citizens of the United States had turned toward a civil service after being fed up with the spoils system and other problems arising from private companies running those services. With the return to privatizing government...