Apr 22, 2024 | Featured, Ngā Ara Whetū, Politics & Society
By Dana R. Fisher, American University Photo by Katie Rodriguez on Unsplash The purpose of Earth Day is to demonstrate support for environmental protection and be mindful of the ways humanity can help planet earth. As Earth Month got underway this April, climate...
Oct 30, 2023 | Featured, Science & Technology
Words by Kaitlin Naughten, British Antarctic Survey; Jan De Rydt, Northumbria University, Newcastle, and Paul Holland, British Antarctic Survey Photo by Derek Oyen on Unsplash The rate at which the warming Southern Ocean melts the West Antarctic ice sheet will...
Nov 1, 2021 | Science & Technology
On October 22, 2021, evidence of a major oil spill off the coast of California was reported. A pipeline spilt an estimated 30,000 gallons of oil into the ocean and onto the beaches. This oil spill caused significant environmental, ecological, and economic damage. What...
Oct 11, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Ralph Sims Renewable energy sources currently supply around 40% of total energy demand in New Zealand. Increasing this share is critical to reducing the current level of greenhouse gas emissions to meet our international obligations and the 2050 net zero target...
Sep 27, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Robert McLachlan How are fossil fuels formed, why do they release carbon dioxide and how much of the world’s energy do they provide? And what are the renewable energy sources that could replace fossil fuels? Fossil fuels were formed over millions of years from the...
Jun 22, 2021 | Business & Economics, Science & Technology
By Ralph Sims The government wants us to phase out fossil fuels. Yet natural gas is much cheaper for households to buy per kWh than electricity. Why? Natural gas is often touted as a transition fuel to use while we move away from coal and oil and as renewable energies...
Jun 1, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Mike Joy If we keep trying to maintain our current growth trajectory, built on a one-off fossil bonanza, we will destroy the already stressed life-supporting systems that sustain us. As countries explore ways of decarbonising their economies, the mantra of “green...
Feb 25, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Jen Purdie As New Zealand gets serious about climate change, can electricity replace fossil fuels in time? As fossil fuels are phased out over the coming decades, the Climate Change Commission (CCC) suggests electricity will take up much of the slack, powering our...