Feb 12, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
In 1918 the leaders of the FBI William Burns and J Edgar Hoover expressed deep concern about the power of movie stars to affect politics. As a result, they began a surveillance program to watch over those they thought might be radicals. Since then, it has long seemed...
Oct 11, 2017 | Arts & Culture, Business & Economics
What is ‘greenwashing’? In his new book, Toby Miller argues that culture has become an enabler of environmental criminals to win over local, national, and international communities. Miller examines the complicity of culture in our environmental crisis with...
Jun 22, 2017 | Arts & Culture
Humour affects many things: our health, our disposition, our relationships, and our organisations. Can it also help change politics in society? Maria Armoudian discusses the origins, philosophy, and politics of humor with Amber Day, John Morreall and Peter McGraw....
Jun 22, 2017 | Arts & Culture
The Daily Show founder Lizz Winstead and Maria Armoudian discuss the birth of The Daily Show, the death of Air America Radio, and the state of the media and comedy today. Lizz Winstead is co-creator and former head writer of The Daily Show and the co-founder of Air...
Jun 8, 2017 | Arts & Culture, Business & Economics
What is the celebrity industrial complex? How does it impact our democracies, our culture, and our society? Joining Maria Armoudian to discuss the celebrity industrial complex and the issues that arise from it are Joshua Gamson, David Gilles, and P. David Marshall....