Dec 16, 2022 | Business & Economics, Ngā Ara Whetū, Politics & Society
by Cormac Jelicich In 2020, two crises coincided. First, the COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented socioeconomic harm, triggering a devastating health crisis that engendered the steepest recession since the Great Depression. Second, the myriad of ecological...
Jan 12, 2022 | Politics & Society
COVID-19 has a new variant. Omicron has drastically increased cases worldwide and has governments contemplating new measures, including lockdowns and moving schools back online. The lack of global vaccinations ode partially to uneven distribution to poorer nations and...
Dec 13, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Deborah Fuller If the omicron variant of the coronavirus is different enough from the original variant, it’s possible that existing vaccines won’t be as effective as they have been. If so, it’s likely that companies will need to update their vaccines to better...
Nov 29, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Wolfgang Presier, Cathrine Scheepers, Jinal Bhiman, Marietjie Venter & Tulio de Oliveira Since early in the COVID pandemic, the Network for Genomics Surveillance in South Africa has been monitoring changes in SARS-CoV-2. This was a valuable tool to understand...
Nov 11, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Lydia DePillis & Eric Umansky Months-long silences. Mysterious rejections. Here’s what’s behind the shortages of a critical tool for ending the pandemic. A few weeks ago, a ProPublica reporter decided to test his kids for COVID-19. They had the sniffles,...
Oct 13, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Jim Metson New Zealand’s Covid response has been praised for being led by research, expertise and evidence. Let’s use the same approach for all the big challenges we face, writes Jim Metson. While the arrival of the Delta variant into New Zealand was not...
Oct 12, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Mike Lee Mike Lee argues that the rights of other people to remain free from harm overrides freedom of choice. Over the last 18 months, most businesses have had a passive role in New Zealand’s Covid-19 recovery plan. The Government has been calling all the shots...
Oct 11, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Michael Plank The COVID-zero strategy may be past its use-by date, but New Zealand still has a vaccination advantage. The announcement today that New Zealand will introduce a vaccination certificate by November is welcome news. Whether by “carrot” or “stick”,...
Sep 29, 2021 | Politics & Society
Around the world, Covid-19 has exposed and deepened existing social inequities. Frontline workers are typically low paid and often from disadvantaged groups. Women have borne the brunt of caring responsibilities during the pandemic which has had negative effects on...
Sep 20, 2021 | Business & Economics
By Sara Walton, Paula O’Kane & Diane Ruwhiu How will New Zealanders ‘work’ in 2040 and beyond? How do we make sense in the present day of the societal, economic and environmental pressures that will impact work in the future? As we approach the third decade...