Dec 6, 2022 | Politics & Society
By Stephen Hoadley A winning China would regain what the Qing Dynasty enjoyed three centuries ago: a central geo-political leadership role among its periphery of tributary states. This essay is an exploratory thought-exercise in the form of a scenario addressing the...
Jun 30, 2020 | Politics & Society
By Ben Goldson Although both sides would deny it, the spread of COVID-19 has highlighted the weaknesses of two systems of governance as represented by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States of America. Having emerged, by most accounts, in the city...
Mar 4, 2019 | Politics & Society
By Stephen Hoadley Stephen Hoadley explores the supposed estranged relationship between New Zealand and China. Recent media headlines have portrayed a serious downturn in New Zealand’s relations with China. I believe they are exaggerated. But the question arises:...
Jan 23, 2019 | Politics & Society
By Charles Burton Since December last year, relations between Canada and China have deteriorated to the extent that the major aspirational interests of each country in the other have gone to dust for the foreseeable future. Since December last year, relations between...
Jun 14, 2018 | Politics & Society
Why have so many human rights campaigns, such as Free Tibet and the Falun Gong, failed in China? Why have others, such as better environmental protection and HIV/Aids care, fared better? What have the costs been on political movements with the more successful...
May 17, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Jetson Leder-Luis The Global Anticorruption Blog’s Jetson Leder-Luis explores how Chinese President Xi Jinping is cracking down on political corruption. China’s broad anticorruption drive, spearheaded by President Xi Jinping, has been making splashy headlines...
May 3, 2018 | Politics & Society
Stephen Noakes from the School of Science at the University of Auckland talks about his big question, “why is China the way it is politically?” Noakes is currently engaged in a pair of book projects. The first is a cross-national comparative study of China’s...
Apr 10, 2018 | Politics & Society, Referee
By Lucy Austin Lucy Austin explores whether governance styles are changing in China in light of the introduction of presidential term limits. On the 11 March 2018, the National People’s Congress (NPC) of China voted to remove presidential term limits. The unusually...