Dec 13, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Enzo Rodriguez-Reyes Supporting local initiatives of conservation, such as, predator control programs, reforestation in regional parks, planting native trees in your backyard and keeping your cat indoors can make a huge difference for our native birds. Hiking or...
Mar 31, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Maria Armoudian and Brendon Dunphy New Zealand’s native bees and almost all our sea birds could face extinction. Action and research are needed more than ever, write Maria Armoudian and Brendon Dunphy. Throughout much of the world, bird and bee populations,...
Jul 30, 2020 | Science & Technology
By Brendon Dunphy Currently, 90% of our seabirds are threatened with extinction. It is a colossal loss and a colossally sad number. Aotearoa/New Zealand is the seabird capital of the world. From inspiring ocean wanderers such as the royal albatross (who may not touch...
Sep 19, 2019 | Science & Technology
They are known to get drunk on berries, fall out of trees, and hang around humans, but Kererū have become something of a New Zealand icon. They are also the only bird left in New Zealand that can distribute large seeds, and their disappearance would be a disaster for...
Nov 6, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Cassie Freund Afraid of lions by moonlight and raptors by day, animals will behave in dramatic ways, as Cassie Freund explains. Anyone who has ever watched a horror movie late at night while home alone understands how fear can affect behavior. You may be on high...
Aug 30, 2017 | Science & Technology
Scientists have made fascinating discoveries about animals and how they communicate. For instance, bird songs are more than music to the ears of the forest; it turns out they are speaking a language understood by many species. Erick Greene discusses his latest...