Dec 23, 2021 | Science & Technology
Researchers in biophotonics tell us how they are using fundamental science to create solutions that improve food safety testing and reduce antibiotic resistance. You may not have heard of biophotonics, but you’ve probably used it in everyday life, such as when you...
Apr 12, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Denise Montgomery We know the damage smoking causes, but we’re yet to conduct conclusive research about vaping. That’s the focus for Kelly Burrowes for the next three years. Dr Kelly Burrowes likes to keep busy but one hobby might have to go on the backburner....
Mar 25, 2020 | Business & Economics, Referee, Science & Technology
New Zealand has a dirty rivers problem. In 2017, two-thirds of the country’s rivers were deemed too polluted to swim in. Given this, research is being carried out to find ways in which the country can attempt to clean up its rivers. Ngārie Scartozzi is a student...
Sep 8, 2017 | Science & Technology
By Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja Yadira Ixchel Martínez Pantoja looks into whether the US Department of State promotes GMOs in Mexico. Mexico’s national identity is tied to corn. Maize is the main food staple, the basis of Mexican cuisine, and the central crop for...