Nov 26, 2020 | Science & Technology
In her inaugural lecture at the University of Auckland, Professor Karen Waldie attempts to answer some of the big questions in the area of developmental cognitive neuroscience. Are dyslexia and ADHD real? How do children with dyslexia turn out years later? Do...
Mar 27, 2019 | Science & Technology
We all know climate change is a problem. It is generally portrayed as an exclusively bio-physical issue that will impact things like our weather and oceans, agriculture and water availability. But climate change also has an impact on mental health. 95bFM’s Ella...
Feb 14, 2019 | Science & Technology
Today is Valentine’s Day, but what exactly is love? How have notions of love changed over time? Can love be consciously developed? And how does love for partners, friends, children, and countries differ? Maria Armoudian speaks to Simon May, Bennett W. Helm, and...
Apr 11, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
America has entered an age of excess, according to Jay Slosar. Driven by a maddening quest for perfection, technology, deregulation, and a superficial and often inaccurate mass media, America’s national psychology has become increasingly narcissistic. This is leading...
Feb 28, 2018 | Referee, Science & Technology
By Delia Cotoros-Goodall The last two decades have seen the Internet become an essential medium for occupational, academic, and personal purposes. As our culture becomes more dependent on the Internet, it is no surprise that we are starting to hear reports of people...