Dec 22, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Martin Elvis With the 2021 boom in space tourism and the rapid development of the giant SpaceX Starship from a string of fiery crashes to a ready-for-orbit vehicle, the idea that lots of people may soon live and work in space has become something that feels like it...
Apr 15, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Chris Benton With much excitement from the press, an international team of astronomers recently announced they had directly imaged the silhouette or shadow of a black hole for the first time. Chris Benton explains why this is important. With much excitement from...
Jul 31, 2018 | Science & Technology
By Jonti Horner After the recent discovery of a large liquid water lake on Mars, Jonti Horner explores what this means for the ongoing quest to find life on the red planet. We now know that there is permanent liquid water on Mars, according to a paper published last...