Nov 15, 2023 | Featured, Science & Technology
Allen Cheng, Monash University Photo by Luke Jones on Unsplash These days, we don’t think much about being able to access a course of antibiotics to head off an infection. But that wasn’t always the case – antibiotics have been available for less than a...
Sep 15, 2021 | Science & Technology
By Siouxsie Wiles The world is desperate for new antibiotics, and New Zealand’s unique fungi are a source of promising compounds. While we’re all rightly focused on the COVID-19 pandemic at the moment, the SARS-CoV-2 virus isn’t the only microbial threat we face....
Oct 19, 2017 | Science & Technology
Sanitation and antibiotics have saved the lives of many, but are they also the culprits behind some modern diseases? Martin Blaser argues that we might have gone overboard in killing our microbes, and that may be causing some of today’s epidemics. Blaser discusses the...