Jun 12, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Jonah Busch Reforestation can help reverse not one but two planetary crises, according to new research from the Earth Innovation Research. Reforestation can help reverse not one but two planetary crises. Reforestation offers one of the best ways to remove carbon...
Jun 10, 2019 | Politics & Society
By Sirous Amerian Does Trump really want war with Iran? Sirous Amerian investigates. Once again it seems as though Iran and the United States are at each other’s throats and hostilities have risen. Frankly, this is nothing new for those who have been following the...
Jun 6, 2019 | Politics & Society
What is public diplomacy, and how effective can it be? While it has a long history, the study of public diplomacy is only becoming more salient in an age of globalisation and increasing digital communication posing both new challenges and opportunities for...
Jun 5, 2019 | Science & Technology
Why are the numbers of insects in fast decline? What does it mean for our food supply and our long term survival? Scientists say climate change is not the only reason. Maria Armoudian speaks with Andrew Dopheide about the current plight of our insect population....