Q+A: How is trauma passed on through generations?

Q+A: How is trauma passed on through generations?

Is the transmission of trauma multi-generational? Do children of survivors of mass atrocities have a higher risk of developing psychological disorders? To understand the process of multi-generational legacies of trauma, Maria Armoudian speaks with Andrei Novac and...
What is love? 🔊

What is love? 🔊

Today is Valentine’s Day, but what exactly is love? How have notions of love changed over time? Can love be consciously developed? And how does love for partners, friends, children, and countries differ? Maria Armoudian speaks to Simon May, Bennett W. Helm, and...
Is bigotry a public health problem?

Is bigotry a public health problem?

By Ronald W. Pies Is bigotry a public health problem? Ronald W. Pies investigates. Over a decade ago, I wrote a piece for a psychiatric journal entitled “Is Bigotry a Mental Illness?” At the time, some psychiatrists were advocating making “pathological bigotry” or...
Q+A: How does trauma affect people and society?

Q+A: How does trauma affect people and society?

Trauma has profound and lifelong physical and psychological effects on its survivors. It can damage the mind, the brain, and stunt development. What exactly is trauma? How does it affect us individually and as a society? And how can trauma survivors recover from these...