May 26, 2021 | Politics & Society
By Patricia A. O’Brien Samoan democracy hangs in the balance as a constitutional arm wrestle plays out — with the world watching. New battlelines in Samoa’s ongoing political crisis were drawn this week. After an evening swearing-in ceremony on the lawn of...
Feb 18, 2020 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
By Mark Busse & Sophie Faber Mark Busse and Sophie Faber examine West Papua’s history to see what’s at stake politically and economically in the current unrest. West Papua has been in the media more than usual over the last six months, with stories...
Dec 9, 2019 | Referee, Science & Technology
By Sean Endres As it becomes obvious that society’s use of fossil fuels needs to be addressed, renewable sources of energy have been celebrated as a way for the world to break its fossil fuel dependence. As it becomes increasingly obvious that society’s rampant use of...
Aug 8, 2019 | Science & Technology
By Denise Montgomery Low-lying Pacific islands in atoll archipelagos such as Tuvalu, Tokelau and Kiribati are likely to adapt to the effects of climate change rather than simply sink beneath the waves. Tuvalu, Tokelau and Kiribati are widely considered under threat...