Apr 12, 2020 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
Awarding-winning filmmaker Professor Annie Goldson didn’t have to travel too far from her University of Auckland desk for her latest documentary production, with Dr ‘Ema Wolfgramm-Foliaki. See the FiF project at – https://fif.op.co.nz/ Annie is best...
Jun 6, 2018 | Arts & Culture
The rise in popularity of on-demand video streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime is increasingly seen as a threat to the 113-year-old ritual of going to a cinema to see a movie. James Robins spoke to Dr Karina Aveyard, Research Fellow at the University of...
Apr 23, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Business & Economics
How did Netflix become the world’s biggest online TV network? Nicola Shepheard speaks with business graduate Paul Rataul and University of Auckland management and international business lecturers Dr. Dan Tisch and Dr. Peter Zamborsky about the success of...
Feb 12, 2018 | Arts & Culture, Politics & Society
In 1918 the leaders of the FBI William Burns and J Edgar Hoover expressed deep concern about the power of movie stars to affect politics. As a result, they began a surveillance program to watch over those they thought might be radicals. Since then, it has long seemed...
Oct 16, 2017 | Arts & Culture
By Annie Goldson Award-winning documentary maker, Annie Goldson, discusses how the subject of her latest film — the larger-than-life tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom — challenged her to consider the role of authenticity and performance in documentary. Many readers will be...