Mar 8, 2021 | Business & Economics
By Stefano Riela Stefano Riela asks how big the economies are of authoritarian regimes. The economy of authoritarian regimes comprises 30% of the World economy (see the red line in the figure). This percentage is on the rise, in contrast to what Francis Fukuyama...
May 23, 2018 | Politics & Society
By Natasha Ezrow All around the world, democracy is looking shaky. While consolidated democracies are struggling to stay healthy, many flawed ones have turned into outright authoritarian regimes. All around the world, democracy is looking shaky. While consolidated...
Feb 27, 2018 | Business & Economics
How do most of what we buy and consume help create wars as well as prop up dictatorships and systems of oppression? How can we change this? Maria Armoudian talks to Leif Wenar about blood oil and consumer choice. Leif Wenar is a chair of philosophy and law at Kings...