What is the celebrity industrial complex? How does it impact our democracies, our culture, and our society? Joining Maria Armoudian to discuss the celebrity industrial complex and the issues that arise from it are Joshua Gamson, David Gilles, and P. David Marshall.

Joshua Gamson is a Professor of Sociology at the University of San Francisco. He is an expert on the sociology of culture and is the author of Claims to Fame: Celebrity in Contemporary America.

David Giles is a Professor in Media Psychology at the University of Winchester. He is an expert in media psychology and is the author of Illusions of Immortality: A Psychology of Fame and Celebrity.

P. David Marshall is a Professor in New Media, Communication and Cultural Studies at Deakin University, Australia. He is an expert in new media culture and is the author of Celebrity and Power: Fame in Contemporary Culture.



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Photo Credit: Eva Rinaldi

Disclaimer: The ideas expressed in this podcast reflect the views of the guests and not necessarily the views of The Big Q.